Orthopedic treatments are being revolutionized by advancements in orthobiologics, one of the most promising is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). This method harnesses the body’s innate healing capabilities to address various musculoskeletal conditions.
But how exactly does a platelet move from its natural environment within our circulatory system to become a crucial part of this innovative therapy? Let’s delve into the remarkable journey of a platelet from extraction for use in PRP applications.
The journey begins in the patient’s vein. A specific amount of blood, depending on the patient’s size and the nature of injury, is drawn using an FDA-cleared collection device, similar to what you would experience during a routine blood test.
If you’re interested in the full PRP journey, stay tuned to this channel to read more advancements in orthobiologics.
Contact Information
- St. Thomas Office: (340) 779-2663
Foothills Building
9151 Estate Thomas, Suite 206
St. Thomas, VI 00802 - St. Croix Office: (340) 718-2665
4006 Estate Diamond, Suite 203
Christiansted, VI 00820 - St. John Office: (340) 779-2663
Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center Susannaberg
St. John, VI 00831 - Tortola Office: (340) 779-2663
104 Waterfront Drive
Tortola, VI VG110 - COG RESTORE – St. Thomas: (340) 779-9355
Royal Palms Professional Building
9053 Estate Thomas, Suite 206
St. Thomas, VI 00802 - COG RESTORE – St. Croix: (340) 778-6530
4006 Estate Diamond, Suite 103, Christiansted, VI 00820 - Anguilla Office: (340) 779-2663
Hughes Medical Centre
Lower South Hill
Anguilla, VI AI-2640
#prp #prptherapy #prptreatment #sportsmedicine #orthopedics #healing #biologics #orthobiologics #recovery #practicename