Below is a short list of additional information to help you prepare for your orthopaedic appointment.

Dress Comfortably

We recommend that you dress in comfortable clothing appropriate for your appointment. If your injury or condition involves your neckbackspineshoulder, or hip, you may be asked to change into a medical robe for your examination. We recommend wearing loose clothing that is easy to take off and put on.

In addition, your doctor may request an X-ray during your visit. Prior to your X-ray, you may be asked to remove jewelry, eyeglasses, and any other metal objects, such as loose change, hearing aids, underwire bras, fingernail clippers, etc., that may interfere with the imaging. Depending on the area of the body that is being X-rayed, you may be asked to change into a medical gown.

Expect Wait Times

Personalized care doesn’t always follow definitive time schedules, and we appreciate your understanding and patience if we keep you waiting longer than you expected. In some cases, patients require special attention, or your provider may be asked to assess a serious injury. Be assured that your doctor will make every effort to see you as soon as possible.

Physician Assistants

There may be instances when you are seen by one of our physician assistants. At Comprehensive Orthopaedic Global, our physician assistants (PAs) work closely with our orthopaedic doctors to provide the highest level of surgical and nonsurgical care for patients. Physician assistants are highly trained and qualified healthcare providers who work under the supervision of our orthopaedic doctors to take medical histories, conduct exams, diagnose and treat bone, joint, and muscle injuries and conditions, order and interpret tests such as X-rays and MRI, prescribe medications, and assist our doctors during surgery. Our PAs are trained to recognize when patients need the attention of a supervising doctor or additional specialist.